This year, I'm trying not to use my smartphone for non-phone stuff (though I'm making exceptions for work-stuff, password-manager-stuff, a few notes and listening to the radio as my FM radio is on the blink), in addition to only using the laptop from last year as my computer.
There was some confusion whether the start day of the challenge this year was Friday, Saturday or Sunday. I've chosen Sunday as I was busy with work stuff and didn't have time to prepare.
I've joined the forum (though whether I can keep it working on the laptop is yet to be seen) and I've signed up for the mailing list (which does work, thanks to mutt). Once again, I will be on the IRC channel a bit.
The Forum for OCC
The Mailing List for OCC
The #OldComputerChallenge IRC channel on
I'd like to get some form of RSS reader working. I've now got Xidel compiled for this thing, so I may be able to hack something together with Shell scripts, like I did for the Fediverse.
No, I haven't published my scripts yet, but I still intend to do so. They are still only limited in functionality though.
Not sure what else to write today. I might add to this if I can get editing working and think of anything else.
I'm already having to break my rules to check my holiday entitlement as work's HR site requires Javascript... *Sigh*
OK, I have a proto-Atom reader with very little understanding of XQuery, so this code is awful, but this works with:
xidel "an-atom-feed" --extract-file="program.xq" --output-format=html >atomreader.html
Where program.xq is:
let $c := count(//*:entry) (: for $m in //*:feed :) return <a name="toc"></a>,<nav><ol>{ for $x at $n in //*:entry let $xt:=inner-html($x/*:title) order by $x/*:published descending return <li><a href="#{$n}">{$xt}</a></li> }</ol></nav>,<main>{ for $x at $n in //*:entry let $xc:=( if ($x/*:content != '') then inner-html($x/*:content) else inner-html($x/*:summary) ) let $xt:=inner-html($x/*:title) let $xl:=( if ($x/*:link/@href != '') then $x/*:link/@href else () ) let $xh:=parse-html($xc) return <article> <a name="{$n}"></a> <h1>{$xt}</h1> {parse-html(parse-html($xc))//body/*} <a href="{$xl}">Article</a> <a href="#toc">Back to TOC</a> </article> }</main>
(I hope the code tags stop that from breaking).
As you can see, terrible code, but it works at the moment...