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Day 5 of the 2024 Old Computer Challenge

I had to cheat this morning: I needed to contact my doctor (nothing's wrong, don't worry) and their website requires Javascript. I also had to help a relative with their computer, but since it wasn't my PC, I don't consider that too much of an issue.

This evening I had emails to sort and it turns out my mutt config is slightly out, but because I'm not an "Inbox Zero" type of person, it takes 5 minutes or so to load my inbox headers, every time I changed the config... This got annoying fast, as you can imagine! Eventually I found that for some reason, while I can't seem to launch the editor from within mutt, I can from the commandline when I first start it??? It's especially strange because it depends on which email account I'm using!

Otherwise, I haven't had much time to do stuff today. Hopefully, I'll do more tomorrow.